Oh! My Son!

Ahamed Shah
Oct 25, 2023


Oh my son! How innocent you look even in sleep,

How different you are from others with vengeance heart deep!

How much you stir me even when a little you weep

How much joy you give me when with your soft arms you creep

What a pleasure to see you with your toothless mouth smile,

What a pressure I feel to be without you a while!

What a treasure I have got through you my style,

What a measure I enjoy when you walk a quarter mile!

What mystery you got in your ever-moving eyes!

What a power has a little form of yours got to melt me like ice!

How desperately failed before your peace conveying face, my son!

Has me all defeated and you have me won.!

Ahamed Shah



Ahamed Shah

These are unpublished poems of the late Ahamed Shah, father of Author Yasir Sulaiman.